Early Online (Volume - 8 | Issue - 1)

Examining the Effects of High Poverty and Unemployment on Rural Urban Migration in Nigeria and its Consequences on Urban Resources and Rural Decline

Published on: 2nd April, 2024

This study examines the intricate interplay among poverty, unemployment, education, and rural-urban migration in Nigeria, employing both quantitative and qualitative analyses. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS software, computing descriptive and inferential statistics such as regression analysis. Quantitative findings reveal income inequality, with many individuals earning below average. Education emerges as a key determinant of economic opportunities, with higher education associated with better outcomes. Moreover, poverty and unemployment exhibit a strong positive correlation with adverse outcomes, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions. Qualitative insights delve into the motivations behind rural-urban migration, shedding light on the economic drivers compelling individuals to seek opportunities in urban areas. Participants’ narratives uncover the challenges faced by migrants, from housing to accessing essential services. Additionally, the role of remittances in sustaining sending communities is highlighted, underscoring their significance. This study underscores the multidimensionality of poverty, unemployment, and migration and emphasizes the need for holistic, evidence-based approaches to promote inclusive development. Recommendations include investments in education, job creation, social safety nets, income inequality reduction, and support for migrant integration. These measures can contribute to equitable economic growth and improved well-being in Nigeria.
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